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The Green House Connection Center: Blending Art & Activism

Some of Colorado’s state leaders are trying to make big changes when it comes to major  polluters like Suncor and oil and gas producers. But industry lobbying and spending have created strong headwinds against justice and accountability, allowing for only minimal environmental protections .

Small environmental improvements that have been made, quickly get wiped away  while corporations continually make record profits. This cycle has to stop. Coloradans deserve clean air, healthy communities and sustainable solutions to the looming climate crisis.


That’s where we come in. The GreenHouse Connection Center blends art and activism together to elevate community voices to build meaningful participation in decision making processes. We are a physical community space in the heart of the Elyria neighborhood in North Denver’s GES community. We are surrounded by pollution from the Suncor refinery, industries, highways, railroads, Purina, and more. Our vision is to re-matriarch our system to reimagine a future where people’s needs for clean air and water, housing, access to healthy food, equitable transportation, health care, education and thriving environments are a cornerstone for the people that live and work in our communities.

Ultimately, we build bridges and rainbows between community members and decision makers creating informative conversations, connections, and solutions towards a better world. 

In the wake of a recent Supreme Court decision to overturn 40 years of environmental protections it becomes significantly more difficult for the federal government to protect our air and water. Further, this past legislative session Colorado failed to create meaningful legislation that would actually protect the health and safety of our communities. That’s why we need our Colorado state agencies and elected leaders to do more. 

The time is now for us to come together, get educated, and get involved to put pressure on decision makers to protect our beautiful environment for future generations. 

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